The Southeast Bentley Area Structure Plan represents a joint planning initiative between the Town of Bentley and Lacombe County to promote and encourage economic development by preparing for and facilitating future commercial and industrial development on the lands southeast of Bentley and within Lacombe County.
The Town and County have hosted two public engagement opportunities to inform the Southeast Bentley Area Structure Plan.
In November of 2022, the Town and County hosted the initial meeting, which included a presentation on background information and an initial proposed future land use concept. The original Plan Area included the southwest and southeast quarter sections.
The following feedback was received in the first round of public engagement.
- All three landowners in the southern two quarter sections were opposed to the prospect of potential future development on their lands
- Concerns were expressed with the large size of the Plan area, loss of agricultural lands and the potential erosion of Bentley’s small community character.
In response to these concerns received, the Committee decided to remove the southern quarter sections from the Plan Area and directed the consultant to prepare a draft Plan for the Committee’s review.
The fist draft of the Southeast Bentley Area Structure Plan, with the reduced Plan Area, was presented to the public for their feedback at the second public meeting held in June 2023. In addition this was followed by a survey, which yielded 102 responses and showed mixed support for the Plan.
All feedback can be viewed below by clicking the Stakeholder Engagement Summary button.
Major points from that feedback include the following:
- concerns raised regarding the visual appearance of future industrial and commercial development in the Plan Area and the impact it will have on the Town’s image and viewscape as seen from Highway 12 and the Gull Lake regional trails at the intersection of Range Road 1-1 and Highway 12A.
- Concern regarding large business affecting the viability of smaller business downtown and taking visitor traffic away from downtown.
- Concern with how future development will be phased in the Plan Area
- Suggestions to include open space, in the form of outdoor recreation facilities in the Plan Area
In response to this feedback, the following changes were made to the Plan:
- Added a requirement for developers to create site development guidelines addressing requirements for building design, landscaping, signage and screening, to the satisfaction of Lacombe County .
- 4 hectares (10 acres) of open space with a potential outdoor recreation facility has been identified in the northeast corner of the Plan Area, along Range Road 1-1.
- Added a policy that requires a developer to provide a phasing plan to the satisfaction of Lacombe County prior to the County to consider rezoning
The revised draft of the Plan will appear before Lacombe County Council for first reading on October 12, 2023. If Council does not require any revisions, Council may set a date for a Public Hearing.
Anyone whom would like to speak to the proposed Plan will be given the opportunity at the Public Hearing to speak and/or submit comments for Council’s consideration. The Public Hearing will be advertised through local newspapers, mail outs to adjacent landowners, and the County’s social media and website. Details for how to participate will be provided through local advertising. Check back on this page, and on the Town of Bentley’s Facebook page for further information.
If the ASP is fully adopted, the Plan will remain a Lacombe County Area Structure Plan, until such a time that the lands are annexed by the Town of Bentley. If annexation were supported by the County, and approved by the Province, the Town of Bentley then may adopt the plan as our own Area Structure Plan, subject to amendments to align with our planning framework.
Please find below the final version of the Bentley Southeast Area Structure Plan. In addition we have also provided a link to the Engagement Summary for information.
Why is the Project being undertaken?
In 2018, the Town and County adopted the Town of Bentley/Lacombe County Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP). The IDP coordinates long term land use planning between the Town and County and covers expected land use patterns and future expansion/annexation by the Town. The Plan Area for the Project is identified for a combination of future commercial and industrial uses; some of which is to be developed as part of the Town and some within Lacombe County. The IDP speaks to preparing for the joint and cooperative development between the Town and County. (Click to see a copy of the Town of Bentley/Lacombe County Intermunicipal Development Plan).
The IDP was followed by the creation of the Town of Bentley and Lacombe County Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) in 2021. The ICF is an “umbrella agreement” that sets the stage for various sub-agreements between the Town and County to foster mutually beneficial development and delivery of services. It helps put the ideas of the IDP into action.
The Bentley-Lacombe County Joint Development Initiative builds on the work of both the IDP and the ICF. It seeks to create an overall development concept for the Plan Area that can be used to inform key decisions around:
Lands that should be added to the Town prior to development or developed in the County;
- Opportunity to extend municipal water and wastewater services to all or parts of the Plan Area;
- Coordination of shared infrastructure such as the road network and storm water drainage systems; and
- Arrangements between the Town and County for the sharing of costs and revenues as development occurs in the Plan Area.
The intent of the Project is to foster economic growth and development opportunities for the Town of Bentley and Lacombe County based on a solid set of plans and agreements.
One of the key outputs of the Project will be an area structure plan (or ASP) for the lands southeast of Bentley within Section 23. An ASP is a policy plan that, once adopted by a municipal council, provides a framework to guide future subdivision and development in the given area.
Materials to Review
Work on the Project to date has created background information and draft concepts relating to land use and how to service the Plan Area (Section 23) with roads, water, wastewater and storm drainage systems.
The Draft Southeast Bentley Area Structure Plan and supporting documentation including studies can be downloaded below
DISPLAY BOARDS FROM PREVIOUS OPEN HOUSES (For reference only as the plan has been updated and revised as above)
Please find the final copies of the following studies below (Biophysical Assessment, Servicing Study, Transportation Impact Assessment)

Want to discuss the Project?
You are welcome to send in your comments to us. If you wish to discuss your comments or have questions you are welcome to call. Emails and phone calls can be directed to:
Albert Flootman, RPP MCIP, Project Lead, Parkland Community Planning Services
The Draft ASP will be available for review on June 29, 2023 at the next public engagement, please see this page for further details regarding the public meeting. Further announcements on key dates and updated materials will be posted on this page.