The Town of Bentley is part of the Wolf Creek School Division and offers Bright Futures Play Academy (3-4 years old), Kindergarten, and Grades 1-12. For more information, contact (403) 748-3770 or visit their website.

Bentley also uses the Enhanced Learning Module. For more information, click here.

The Bentley Parent School Council is an active group that promotes working with the school community to provide a quality education in a caring environment for our students. Meeting times and dates can be accessed on the school website.

Meetings are open to anyone interested in the local school system and especially all parents/ guardians of students from Bright Futures Play Academy through Grade 12.

be who you want to be

A twist of the kaleidoscope reveals no angles — just the fact that while our yesterdays do not define us, they do help shape and steer us to become the people and the place we were meant to be: Resourceful and determined, aspiring and enterprising, welcoming and open-minded, animated and fun, and most definitely, undeniably, proudly, one-of-a-kind.