Public Safety
The Bentley District Fire Department consists of volunteers who provide emergency and fire suppression services and promote fire safety. Our volunteer firefighters are well-trained and highly motivated to assist others in emergency situations. The Town of Bentley, in partnership with Lacombe County, funds the operation of the Fire Department.
For emergencies dial 9-1-1. For general inquiries or concerns, contact the Fire Hall:
Fire Chief: Ian McLaren
Fire Hall phone: (403) 748-4348
Fire Hall fax: (403) 748-4358

Back row, left to right: Firefighter (FF) Carson Schneider, FF Paul Keen, Captain Dana
Hueppelsheuser, FF Christopher McLaren, Captain Curtis Dojahn, FF Stephen Dojahn, Captain
Jeff Vert, FF Thomas Jasonson, FF Kenton Woyke, Captain Peter Issler.
Front row, left to right: FF Dawn Dojahn, Captain Janis Bickford, FF Ty Schneider, Probationary
FF Anna Cameron, Fire Chief Ian McLaren, FF Stephen Lush, Deputy Chief Allen Bickford, FF
Breanne Bickford, FF Jeremy Babcock, FF Kathryn Issler.
Missing: FF Erin Vert