The Sunset Heights Area Structure Plan  replaces the former Summersault Area Structure Plan and is intended to create a framework for future subdivision and residential and recreational development of lands owned by the Town of Bentley on the North Side of the Community.

It is an area of approximately 17.81 hectares (44 acres) and is legally described as SW 26-40-1-W5M. The area is in the Urban Reserve District and includes phase 1 of the Sunset Heights Subdivision which has been developed with servicing (phase 1 formerly know as New Beginnings Subdivision). The Town owns the entire parcel and in Phase 1 a total of twenty-five (25) lots are fully serviced. Out of those twenty-five lots, four lots were sold and a Fourplex was constructed and occupied and in addition one lot was previously developed as a single-family dwelling and is also occupied. Three additional lots have been sold in 2024 and construction has begun on two of them.

The subject site is located within the former Northeast Area Structure Plan, which was adopted in 1993 and was envisioned as a low-density residential development. In 2005 and 2006 the site was revisited, and several environmental and engineering studies were undertaken to further assess the development potential of the property. Further in 2014 the Town of Bentley revisited the plan with the help of WSP and created the Summersault Area Structure Plan through Bylaw 178-2014, which also rescinded the former Northeast Area Structure Plan bylaw 528/93.

Through the new Sunset Heights Area Structure Plan, consideration has been given to incorporate additional recreation space and to remove the previously designated areas for an expansion of the Manufactured Home Park. To create the new plan a full review of governing documents and existing land use policies was undertaken. Additionally, a review of past technical documents was done to assess the development feasibility and to identify any design related issues that may need to be addressed. As a result, the new Sunset Heights ASP must conform to the policies outlined in the Town’s most recent Municipal Development Plan adopted in 2016 and to the Town’s new Community Strategic Plan adopted in 2024 (should put a link to it). If the Sunset Heights Area Structure Plan is approved, the town will also recommend repealing the current Summersault ASP as part of the approvals process.

The review of previous policies, existing plans and documents is only a part of the process in reviewing an ASP, it is important to involve community in the decision-making process for statutory plans that shape the future of the community. The plan must reflect the desires, wants, and needs of the community and two community surveys were undertaken in 2024. One survey for the strategic plan, which ran in April and closed on April 26, 2024, and the second specifically regarding revisions to the Summersault ASP ran in June and closed on June 24, 2024. Both surveys indicated, very clearly, that manufactured homes were not a priority for this area and instead the community expressed a strong and enthusiastic desire for additional recreation space and a soccer field. This feedback has been incorporated into the new ASP.

Mayor and Council gave first reading to Bylaw #249-2024 (Sunset Heights Area Structure Plan) on September 10, 2024. A notice of Public Hearing has also been posted in the Rimbey Review, on Facebook and the Town Website as per (Attachment #5) below.

The public hearing will take place on September 24, 2024, 6:30pm in advance of the regular council meeting. Any written submissions must be signed and filed with the Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Bentley by no later than 4:00pm on the date of the Public Hearing. Should you wish to speak at the public hearing please register with the Town of Bentley Chief Administrative Officer prior to 4:00pm on September 24, 2024, as well.