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Community Helpers Program

Enjoy a kaleidoscopic adventure of vividly hued, lifestyle-defining events worth basking in; surrounded by good-natured folk for short times or long times, but always good times.

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The Community Helpers Program is an Alberta Health Services Program designed for youth and adults ages 12-30, and adults who work with youth. The program is designed for “helpers”, those in the community who others come to for help. The program is designed to help with mental health intervention by training those helpers to hone in on their helping skills while learning how to take care of themselves. The program does not teach helpers to be their friend’s therapists, rather, it prepares them to support their peers in a healthy, safe, informed way and gives them the tools to know how and when to help their peer find professional mental health resources and intervention. The program is also designed to improve the intervention and treatment for those at risk of suicide and is part of Alberta’s “Building strength, inspiring hope: a provincial action plan for youth suicide prevention 2019 – 2024.”

Community Helpers Program

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