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Bentley Senior Citizens Housing Society AGM (Westview Apartments)

Enjoy a kaleidoscopic adventure of vividly hued, lifestyle-defining events worth basking in; surrounded by good-natured folk for short times or long times, but always good times.

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WHERE? The blue building to the south of the curling rink/arena complex.

WHAT IS THE BUILDING FOR? This building contains self-contained housing suites for retired people. Outside maintenance, sidewalks and lawn care is provided by management. Tenants are responsible for their own house keeping, preparing meals, buying groceries and other responsibilities associated with self-contained units. Supervision of tenants is not provided.

WHAT IS THE MEETING FOR? As a Society we are required to hold an Annual General Meeting once a year. This year it is being held Tuesday, February 25 at 10:30 a.m. in the Westview Apartments common room. Join us and give a half hour of your time to see how we operate.

COME JOIN US!! We are looking for Board members. Perhaps this Board would be of interest to you. The time commitment is approximately a hour every couple of months.

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